Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Status of things

First, a bit of light reading to set things in motion here


Its been a long while since I've updated this bloody thing.

1. I'm working at GWU full time, going to school part time. There is an interesting story to that. Changing your engineering major your second semester junior year is probably not the best thing to do. It will be a posting at some near point in time.

2. My senior thesis project is drawing to a close. The project, File Encryption and Transmission system, FETS for short, allows users to connect a black box to their computer and securely transmit files from one location to another location using the telephone network. Its an FPGA based project, which will warrant a couple postings highlighting what the project is, and how it was implemented.

3. Life has been crazy the past year; musical addictions and a myriad of things I had no idea I was going to be getting myself into. All will be revealed in time.

Arson out

ps. still aint eated pork (willingly) in the past year