Friday, July 01, 2005

Summer begins tonight [or how Md has liqour sales]

Calc is done as of tonight. I've got my final at 6pm [not too psyched about it but i've got alot of time to study for it]. Last night me, Matt, Ben and Rich went to Bethesda, in Montgomery county, Md to buy booze. Why, you might ask. Montgomery county is liqour controlled, the county determines pricing across its bounds. One thing goes on sale, its on sale everywhere. The list has 18 pages of makes it well worth the trip to Md. Hypnotiq, Alize Wild Passion[i don't remember if it was Wild or Red, the bottles and color are so strikingly similar], some more Jack [can never go wrong with the bourbon whiskeys], some Southern Comfort and Kahlua Especial. Similar runs will be made in the future, ultimately culminating in a serious liqour cabinet.

So CI has been going okay. I like to do the volunteer work with SEAS, and meet some of the incoming freshies. There are 80 incoming biomedical engineers in a class of 187 at SEAS. They don't know what they're getting themselves into. Soem people are doing rotc+biomedical engineering. Its insane, these people are taking 20-21 credit hours their first semester of college; I can only hope they make it but damn, I had enough trouble with my 15 [granted, I was partying a bit, but that is definitely what the first semester is for].


Anonymous said...

Jack is by law and taxonomy a Tennessee Whisky, and not a bourbon, which by law must be made in Kentucky and contain at least 51% corn.

Fortunately, they can both fuck you up equally well.

arsonperbuilding said...

True..true. My bad, however bourbon and tennesee whisky's are closely related. The mash of both of them must be at least 51% corn, but less than 80%. A tennesee whisky simply goes through the Lincoln Count Process, in which it is filtered by 10 feet of charcoal. Honestly, I like them both [tennesee and bourbon].