Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Colonial Inauguration

Colonial Inauguration begins tomorrow at GWU. Which means hundreds of prefrosh, people that aren't event freshman but are going to be, will be storming campus. Kids and parents who have no idea what they're getting into. Worst off are the kids that have their parents come along. Who wants to be bogged down with parents when you could be hanging out with new friends at your new school?

Anyhow, I'm well, well shielded from the insanity that is CI. Up in the Jacob Burns Law Library, I don't have to deal with any CI kids. They've got no reason to be here at the Law School. Alas, the better half of me, the part that tries to be community oriented at times, broke through and decided that I want to help out SEAS with CI activities. Mainly, course scheduling; I know just how much of a pain in the ass it is to do it by myself, this kids are diving into a swimming pool without learning how to swim! So...I'm venturing out into these untamed wilds to help these poor kids out. Mabye Its because I want to help make SEAS a better place. I really think the school needs more people that are interested in seeing it pick itself back up. We're engineers, we're not the biggest group on campus but I'd like to see it be a tighter group.

Anyhow, I saw Batman Begins with some friends last night at the midnight screening at the Loews Theatre in Georgetown. The movie is awesome, and Christian Bale is my favorite batman. Bale is a very talented actor that I believe hasn't gotten enough attention. After dropping all his muscle to become almost nothing for The Machinist, I don't think there is a more dedicated actor [I'm curious about is behavior onset though, Tom Hanks is notoriously dedicated to films he works on] around. The man is good and I think he's poised to become a symbol of an actor like Johny Depp is; versatile and willing to act a part because he likes the part, not because of blockbusting power.

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