Saturday, May 22, 2004


Never seemed so far away.

I also never felt senioritis quite like yesterday. I ditched half my classes, 3rd and 4th hour. I calculus I don't have to do any work but I'm supposed to be in the classroom i guess. I think only literature and government class (out of 8) are the only classes I'm still doing work in. Its really weird, i've never quite felt it this easy at the end of the year.

Anyhow, I ditched class so I could go find my gal, and I did. I'm falling for her pretty fast...I don't know if she is for me. I usually try to pick out 5 traits that I like before I'll go out with a girl, and I've got my five for her. Her happy-go-lucky attitude, intelligence, generous, athletic and she can make me smile. I'm gonna ask her out real soon.

Yesterday evening I didn't work, I really didn't care to. I'm tired of working from 3:40-5:00. Half doing projects and being peoples assistants really grates on me after a while. I figure i'll work next week afterschool (I need the money) and I'm starting full time the 2nd week of june so that will be better.

The china committee stuff is really interesting. I can't talk about the people interviewed for the program, but I can say we've got lots of bright talent coming up and its going to be difficult to decide whos in the program. Its a really special thing, to go on the exchange; I only wish the best for the people in the program. I won't be able to see the china kids in OKC, but I'll try to visit them when they are in DC.

I spent yesterday playing Docter Photoshop to Cran's Mia. She looks so cute with the coke bottle...and the absolut bottle. Thankyou tripkin for the idea, and cran for your psuedo blessings.

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