Sunday, May 23, 2004



Well, not quite as boring as it could've. I spent time working on this piece of damnation, tweaking templates and such. I spent a good deal of yesterday morning looking for and reading about Gmail and Invitations to it. I want a Gmail account, period, I really could use the space. Played a bit of tacops, I had a few rounds on Jam where I was rocking. Shameless self advertisment: Go b33f!!!

Went out last night to see the Oscar Nominated short films, 6 of them at least; at the OKC Museum of Art. I saw Die Rote Jacke(The Red Jacket), Harvie Crumpet, (A) Torsion, Nibbles, Squash and Perpetual Motion. Die Rote Jacke and (A)Torsion were both set in war torn Sarajevo, thats Bosnia for us westerners. The other 4 were comedies. Harvie Crumpet is a stop motion animation about a Pole who ends up in australia, his bad luck is ocassionally blessed with good luck. Nibbles was a really weird movie about a fishing trip but satirical about consumerism and consumption. Squash was set in a squash court, the entire time; about 2 business men fighting out their differences. Perpetual motion is about cats and jelly.

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